

Key phrases from the abstract

multi-resolution 3D hash grids
neural surface rendering
numerical gradients for computing higher-order derivatives as a smoothing operation
coarse-to-fine optimization on the hash grids

1. Introduction

Neural surface reconstruction methods
Pros: continuity
Cons: scalability
Based on
Instant NGP as a neural SDF representation
+ new findings for better optimization
Stabilizing the optimization
numerical gradients for computing higher-order derivatives
e.g. surface normals for the eikonal regularization
Progressive optimization (=coarse-to-fine)
Better details
reconstruction accuracy
view synthesis quality

2. Related work

Multi-view surface reconstruction
Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF)
How an isosurface of the volume density could be defined to represent the underlying 3D geometry
Neural surface reconstruction
auxiliary informations
patch warping
sparse point clouds
scene representations with hash encodings

3. Approach

3.1. Preliminaries

Graphics에서 volume rendering에 대한 기초: https://youtu.be/y4KdxaMC69w 핵심 질문들: 뷰포인트가 달라도 어떻게 샘플링 간격을 일정하게 유지하는지 왜 뒤 쪽에서부터 렌더하는지
CUDA 빼고 순수 Python으로 구성한 Instant NGP: https://velog.io/@janet990430/Instant-NGP-NeRF-개발-도전기

Neural volume rendering (NeRF)

c^(o,d)=i=1NTiαici\hat c(\mathbf o, \mathbf d) = \sum ^N _{i=1} T_iα_i \mathbf c_i
the accumulated transmittance TiT_i
the fraction of light that reaches the camera
Ti=j=1i1(1αj)T_i = \prod^{i−1}_{j=1}(1 − α_j)
color ci\mathbf c_i
opacity αiα_i
αi=1exp(σiδi)α_i = 1 − \exp(−σ_iδ_i)
volume density σiσ_i
the distance between adjacent samples δiδ_i
δi=ti+1tiδ_i = t_{i+1} − t_i
color loss: rendered image c^\hat {\mathbf c} vs. input image c\mathbf c
LRGB=c^c1\mathcal L_\text{RGB} = ||\hat {\mathbf c} - {\mathbf c}||_1

Volume rendering of SDF

αi=max(Φs(f(xi))Φs(f(xi+1))Φs(f(xi)),0)α_i = \max ({\Phi_s(f(\mathbf x _i)) - \Phi_s(f(\mathbf x _{i+1})) \over \Phi_s(f(\mathbf x _i)) }, 0)

Multi-resolution hash encoding

γ(xi)=(γ1(xi,1),...γL(xi,L))γ(\mathbf x_i) = (γ_1(\mathbf x_{i, 1}), ... γ_L(\mathbf x_{i, L}))

3.2. Numerical Gradient Computation

Leik=1Ni=1N(f(xi)21)2\mathcal L_\text{eik} = {1\over N} \sum^ N _{i=1}(∥∇f(\mathbf x_i)∥_2 − 1)^2
γl(xi,l)=γl(xi,l)(1β)+γl(xi,l)βγ_l(\mathbf x_i,l) = γ_l(⌊\mathbf x _{i,l}⌋) · (1 − β) + γ_l(⌈\mathbf x _{i,l}⌉) · β
γl(xi,l)xi=γl(xi,l)(βxi)+γl(xi,l)βxi=γl(xi,l)(Vl)+γl(xi,l)Vl{∂_{γl}(\mathbf x_{i,l}) \over ∂ \mathbf x_i} = γ_l(⌊\mathbf x_{i,l}⌋) · (− {∂β \over ∂ {\mathbf x_i}} ) + γ_l(⌈\mathbf x_{i,l}⌉) · {∂β \over ∂{\mathbf x_i}} \\= γ_l(⌊\mathbf x_{i,l}⌋) · (−V_l) + γ_l(⌈\mathbf x_{i,l}⌉) · V_l
xf(xi)=f(γ(xi+ϵx))f(γ(xiϵx))2ϵ∇_x f(\mathbf x_i) = {f (γ(\mathbf x_i + \mathbf ϵ_x)) − f (γ(\mathbf x_i − \mathbf ϵ_x)) \over 2ϵ }

3.3. Progressive Levels of Details

3.4. Optimization

Lcurv=1Ni=1N2f(xi)\mathcal L_\text{curv} = {1 \over N} \sum^N_{i=1} |∇^2f(\mathbf x_i)|
L=LRGB+weikLeik+wcurvLcurv\mathcal L = \mathcal L_\text{RGB} + w_\text{eik} \mathcal L_\text{eik} + w_\text{curv} \mathcal L_\text{curv}